Happy Salma kini ketagihan main wayang orang. Setelah pentas "Jabang Tetuko" pada Sabtu lalu di Senayan City, 9 Juli 2011, ia kini tertarik menggeluti dunia wayang dan ingin tampil lagi. "Deg-degan juga, tapi seru!" kata Happy, yang berperan sebagai Dewi Supraba.
Happy Salma is now addicted to playing the puppet people. After performing "Jabang Tetuko" on Saturday at Senayan City, July 9, 2011, he was now interested in puppets and wrestle the world want to look again. "Deg-degan too, but fun!" Happy words, which acts as the Goddess Supraba.
Stage it was the first Happy in the puppet play. He played with the players of professional puppets. "Jabang Tetuko", organized by Djarum Appreciation of Cultural and directed Mirwan Suwarso, also involving the singer and actor Sita Nursanti Restu Sinaga to play anyway.
Unlike the theater, the puppet people, Happy originating from West Java, this should be practiced dancing and singing with the crooked middle Java. He even feels still need a diet even though his body was slim.
"In that stage, there is a scene floated on stage and was appointed by Kala Pracona. So easy to do if mild, ha-ha-ha ...," said Happy, laughing crisp.
Happy deeply satisfied because the puppet show was able to attract many spectators. Seating at almost every hour the show is almost always full and the average was young.
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